High Performance

Nebula Framework provides applications with high performance while working with database of any size, including very large databases (VLDB). Most web applications work very well with a few thousand records, but crumble with higher volumes. Enterprise software such as Cadebill , works with millions of records easily and efficiently. Nebula framework delivers exceptional performance in VLDB for the data operations such as searching, sorting, filtering, grouping, finding distinct values, data aggregation etc.


High performance search capabilities are available consistently on all pages.

  • Data can be filtered either through pre-filters or post filters. As an example, using a pre-filter for one account provides information for a single specified account. If no account is provided in the pre-filter, information multiple accounts is provided, which can then be further filtered using post filters.
  • Quick search to search on all fields in the page.
  • Column distinct filters, in a grid (table) view.
  • Search on a column with several comparison operators such as: equal to, contains, greater than, less than between two values, like, null values etc.
  • Search on multiple fields with and/or condition.